9 Digital Display Tactics for Effective Product Cross-Selling

  Time to read 9 min
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If you have used digital signs, you already know how powerful they are at communicating with customers and persuading them to buy your goods and services.

But did you know it is possible to convert your electronic sign into a productive tool for cross-selling by devoting some time and strategy to it?

This article will help you develop an actionable plan for cross-selling using your digital display.

Let’s discuss some leading strategies to get the highest return from your boards and transform them into actual product-selling machines.

1. Targeted content

To enable the ability to cross-sell through digital signboards, the most critical element for you will be the content. The essence is to ensure the content is directed and appropriate for your consumers.

How do you do that? Let's start with diving into the gold mine of the existing customer data. 

For example, think about the things that the consumers are keen on, past purchases made, and any interaction with a social platform.

Let’s try to see this strategy in action with a small example. Imagine a customer who recently purchased a high-end camera from your store. Let’s say you have noticed that they have been browsing some camera accessories but haven't made a purchase.

It would be the perfect time to cross-sell with a great signboard. The next time this customer enters your store, the board can display content specifically about camera accessories, maybe even a special offer just for them.

Now, your job doesn't end here. It's not enough to just list a few accessories on the board. Making the content engaging is equally, often more critical. 

In our camera example, it may be a great idea to showcase how a specific accessory might enhance their photography experience. Maybe include a tutorial on how to use the accessory or a short video clip that captures the attention of a budding photographer.

Remember, when cross-selling, your goal should be to make your existing customers feel understood and cared for and not bombarded with random products. The best way to achieve this is by learning from the sales data and curating content that will boost customer satisfaction.

2. Eye-catching design 

So, you did all the research, identified what your customer needs, and curated a piece of content. However, unless your content catches the fancy of your customers, it's as worthless as a grain of sand on a beach!

Think about it. Your customers are constantly bombarded by digital ads all around them, and getting their attention is not that easy. In other words, an eye-catching design is a pre-requisite when it comes to cross-selling and upselling through your digital board.

You need to use premium, high-resolution images. No one wants to look at fuzzy, ill-fitting photos on a digital board. We are talking crystal clear, bright, and crisp images of your products that make them irresistible to existing customers.

For instance, let’s assume you want to cross-sell a gourmet chocolate bar. If your image on the signboard catches the rich gloss in such detail that customers can almost taste it, they would love to buy it. 

It’s all about creating that “I want that” reaction!

But why stop at still images? Animated graphics and videos can be transformative. Imagine our chocolate ad again, but this time, let’s add a well-shot, looping video capturing a slo-mo break revealing that delicious nougat centre! 

Lastly, don't overcrowd the space. Keep your message concise and your design elements balanced. You want to draw the customer in, not overwhelm them. 

With high-quality imagery, dynamic animations, strategic colour use, and a clear message, your digital boards can become a magnet for customers' eyes and effectively drive your cross-selling initiatives.

Also read: Maximizing ROI with Self-Managed Digital Signage: A Comprehensive Guide

3. Strategic placement

Strategic placement of digital signboards is about placing them in the correct position. Where do you think your customers take a break during shopping? These are your main spots where you can do some cross-selling.

Your digital boards will thrive in waiting areas. It is where a customer's idle time is, and they are likely to be listening to your message. 

The customer can imagine a scenario whereby the digital board in the waiting area has a video about the best coffee being created step by step. It’s not merely advertising. In fact, it is like an invitation where you are requested to try.

Checkout lines are another strategic spot. Customers are often idle, maybe even bored, as they wait their turn. It is an excellent opportunity to catch their attention. 

Your digital board could be showing off a quick, engaging clip of a new product or flashing a limited-time offer. It's a subtle nudge at a time when the customer is already in a buying mindset.

Let’s not forget the areas near popular products. Say you have a section in your store that's always buzzing with current customers. 

Placing a digital board nearby, showing complementary products can spark the idea of an additional purchase. It's like saying, "You love this product, so you might also enjoy these."

In essence, the strategic placement of your digital boards can significantly amplify their effectiveness in cross-selling. 

By positioning them in spots where customers pause, you're not just selling; you're engaging with them in their shopping journey, enhancing their experience, and gently guiding them towards additional purchases.

4. Customer reviews and testimonials

Customer testimonials and reviews are like gold in retail, especially when cross-selling through digital boards. 

Let’s see how you can incorporate them into your cross-selling strategy.

Imagine yourself as a customer and think about what the most critical factor is that might nudge you to make a purchase. A glowing review of the product you are mulling over will do the magic!

When cross-selling with your digital boards, it’s a great idea to have products laid out along with genuine, authentic customer reviews. It instils instant trust and confidence in your customers, nudging them to make a purchase. 

Let’s take real-world cross-selling examples to explore this tactic further:

Let’s say you are trying to cross-sell a new line of skincare products. On your digital board, alongside images of the products, you display a carousel of reviews from customers who rave about how amazing their skin feels after using them. 

Real people sharing their genuine experiences give your products credibility that’s worth gold in the retail business.

And don't just stick to written reviews. Video testimonials can be even more powerful. Imagine a customer watching a short clip of someone talking about how a particular gadget made their life easier or showing off the results of a fitness product. 

It's relatable and honest, which makes it effective and adds to your customer's lifetime value.

5. Bundle offers

It is one of the fantastic cross-selling techniques, and when promoted on digital boards, it can be disruptive. 

Let's see how you can make this strategy work effectively.

Imagine a customer in your store eyeing a sleek new smartphone. Now, picture a digital board nearby flashing an irresistible bundle offer: that smartphone they are looking at, plus a pair of high-quality earbuds and additional services, all at a discounted bundle price!

When your customers see such a bundle offer, it triggers a "must buy now" impulse in their minds. The offer seems almost too good to resist, and they make a buy.

If you do it right, the bundle offers can be the golden ticket to cross-selling and upselling. It is a win-win situation for you and your current customers.

They are not buying just a product but a whole package that improves their experience.

But how do you differentiate these offers in digital boards? Effective presentation!

Employ colourful graphics with crisp, succinct texting. Put all the items in the package together — possibly even depicting a lifestyle setting so that potential customers can imagine them in their lives. 

Keep your offers new and current. Adjust bundles throughout seasons, fashion trends, or even customer purchasing behaviour. Note that you need to mix up products that go well together to improve the customer journey and promote cross-selling.

You would be surprised at how easy it is to create beautiful and engaging content featuring bundled products with Luna Screens.

Our cloud-based software lets you update offers in real-time, keeping your promotion fresh. Check out Luna Screens today!

6. Limited-time offers and deals

These time-limited offers are a unique recipe for cross-selling, especially if they are displayed on digital boards. The strategy involves invoking the sentiments of urgency, which encourages customers to make a faster decision.

Let’s analyse this scenario. While walking around a store, you see a big screen. Flashing on the screen, in bold, attractive letters – a special offer on a product you are interested in that expires within two hours. Won’t it create a sense of urgency in your mind?

Such time pressure invokes a sense of FOMO in your customer’s minds. The board tells them this is a steal and it’s time to jump.

The need for a quick response draws on the most basic human instinct. The limited availability of objects tends to make them more cherished than readily available ones. 

By emphasizing that a deal is ticking, you aren't just selling a product but offering a vanishing opportunity. 

But here's the key: to be effective, however, the offers have to be genuinely appealing. The deal should look good enough for the customer to think, "Oh, I can't afford to miss this!" It can be a significant discount or a free offer, like buy-one-get-one-free or a bundle.

Additionally, make sure the countdown is noticeable and easily readable to remind customers about the offer. Using a dynamic screen that displays the remaining time could work very well in cross-selling, too. It gives a visual form to the urgency, making it more graspable.

7. Seasonal or event-based cross-selling

It’s the beginning of the summer, and your digital board features a line of beach necessities such as sunscreen, fashionable sunglasses, and fashionable beach towels. This shows a carefully curated list that perfectly matches the feel of the summer.

Targeted and seasonal cross-selling of this type can be exceptionally effective since it is aligned with the customer journey.

Holidays are another golden opportunity. In the holiday season, you could use digital boards to show some festive decorations accompanied by gift ideas. 

It feels like you are assisting the customers to cross the items they require in their holiday lists and cheer them up!

Don't forget local events, either. If there's a big sports game coming up in your town, your digital boards could feature team merchandise or game-day essentials.

The key here is relevance. The aim of your cross-selling activities should be to make them seem like a natural part of the customer's seasonal or event-based experience. 

Consider using attractive designs and themes related to the event.

For instance, for fall, use autumnal colours and imagery, or for summer, use vibrant, sunny visuals in your cross-sell boards.

8. Real-time updates

Dynamic changes on digital signboards maintain the freshness of your messaging to the customers.

One day, it's showcasing the latest must-have gadget with a tempting deal. The following week, it's displaying a limited-time offer on the perfect accessory for that gadget.

The recurrent refresh not only makes your customers stay hooked but also provides a reason for people to trust what you are trying to convey.

It will help create an anticipatory feeling in your customers when they visit your establishments- “What’s new today?” And if your digital board makes such a strong impression that it spurs such emotions – you are halfway through! It means more foot traffic and, more importantly, improved sales.

Also, frequently updating your content keeps your messaging fresh and appropriate. Got a new product launch? Feature it on your board. Is a seasonal sale coming up? Let your customers know. It will help you cross-sell like anything!

The trick is to pair these updates with products that customers are already interested in. 

For instance, if a customer recently purchased a high-end camera from your store, your digital board could later showcase a special offer on lenses or photography workshops. 

Make those connections between what customers like and what else you can offer them that complements their interests. 

9. Educational content

There is no denying the value of offering helpful information about your brand to your customers via a digital sign.

Say, for example, there is a new range of kitchen gadgets that you are displaying on your digital board. 

The twist you should add should not just present the product and a price tag; it should be more exciting. A short but engaging tutorial showcasing what makes these gadgets worth owning can be a great idea. 

It could be a video displaying the capabilities of this new inventive blender.  A few seconds of mixing a smoothie, for example. Maybe a chef could also talk about how fast he can prepare food using this product. 

The approach does not simply advertise a product but also informs and inspires.

More specifically, educational content improves the purchase experience, giving value to a buyer. 

Unlike selling something to them, you are teaching them why they need the product in their life. It builds trust and makes people see you as an advisor and not only a merchant who is after increasing average order value.

The strategy works to cross-sell all kinds of products. Selling fitness gear? Show a quick workout routine using the equipment. 

Featuring tech gadgets? Offer some cool, little-known features of the devices. 

The key is to make the content relevant, easy to digest, and, most importantly, useful.

The most significant advantage of such content is that it can help you cross-sell across product categories as well. For instance, when you are displaying a new video about a tech gadget, it might include subtle messaging about accessories that work best with the product.

Takeaway: Cross-sell like a master on your digital signage with Luna Screens

Digital signage in cross-selling is not just about putting pictures of products on a screen. All the tactics discussed above serve a particular purpose- from enhancing your customer’s experience to attracting their attention.

Good cross-selling with digital signage is simply about understanding and meeting your customers’ needs and desires. It involves creating captivating visualisations and relevant information in presenting products that appeal to shoppers’ lifestyles.

If you follow these approaches, your digital boards will not only be for advertisement but also an essential part of an attractive and client-oriented shopping experience.

Interested in learning more about how to manage your digital signage? Luna Screens offers several state-of-the-art features to automate the scheduling of your ads. Our cloud-based service makes digital signage management pretty easy.  Try Luna Screens today! 

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