Privacy Policy

Who are we

We operate in Australia, under Luna IT PTY LTD (ABN: 12 643 738 890)

The what and why of personal information we collect and store

The only personal information we collect is your email, we use this to uniquely identify you and to be able to ensure only you can access your account with our platform.

How can you access your personal information?

We do not store any personal information.

How can I remove my account

Contact from the email that owns the account you would like to delete and request deletion.

How to lodge a complaint

Reach out to

Luna IT PTY LTD, Hobart, TAS, Australia
ABN: 12 643 738 890
Hobart, TAS, Australia
ABN: 12 643 738 890
Copyright © 2024 Luna Screens. All Rights Reserved. Privacy policy
Copyright © 2024 Luna Screens.
All Rights Reserved. Privacy policy