Digital Signage in Retail: A Strategic Approach to Effective Communication

  Time to read 9 min
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Online shopping is transforming retail. But in-store shopping continues to hold its ground as an effective sales channel. These days, smart retailers are using digital signage technology to bring some flair of the online experience into their brick-and-mortar stores.

The digital signs not only drive foot traffic and engage your target audience, but they also improve in-store communication to enhance visitors’ purchase decisions.

This article will explore how you can use digital signage to improve in-store communication to boost in-store sales revenue.

How effective is digital signage in retail?

Digital signage is very effective in boosting in-store sales revenue. Research shows that nearly 7 out of 10 people have purchased an item because a sign caught their eye

Eye-catching digital signs can act like extra salespeople, directing people to your store, helping them see the value of your offerings, and convincing them to buy.

Also read: Unlocking the Power of Digital Signage: A Guide to Getting Started.

Types of digital signage in retail 

The common types of digital signage for boosting retail stores' bottom line are:

Digital displays

Digital displays are one-way displays that use digital screens to show a message to your target audience. They are the most common type of retail digital signage. 

You can use a digital/ electronic display in retail stores to highlight products, advertise specials, promote offers, share critical information, etc.

Depending on the size and specific application, there are different types of digital displays:

Digital standees

These are floor-standing digital displays that are placed on some type of pedestal to allow them to stand on their own. You can place digital standees in large retail stores where walls are far in between, and ceilings are too high to hang a display from. 

Retail window displays

This is a digital display you place by an open or glass window to show a message to passersby. 

While indoor digital displays are usually designed to engage people already in the store, retail window displays aim to catch the attention of passersby and window shoppers and make them enter.

Video walls

This is a large digital screen created by bringing together multiple display screens. You can place a video wall within your retail store as a large high-res display or outside the store as a huge colour show to charm passersby.

Electronic shelf labels

Electronic shelf labels replace paper price tags and similar paper labels. They are small electronic displays on the front of retail stores’ shelves showing customers specific information about products (like prices and discounts).

Digital menu boards

These are electronic displays that replace traditional printed menus. They are used to showcase menus and pricing in restaurants, fast food outlets, cafes, and other food service businesses.

Smart mirrors

Smart mirrors are some of the latest advances in digital display technology. They combine reflective surfaces with digital displays to enhance user experience.

These devices retain their primary function as mirrors, allowing users to see their reflections. But they have digital displays behind the reflective surface to give the mirror interactive features.

A common application of smart mirrors in retail is virtual try-ons. They allow users to view a reflection of themselves to see how your products look on them (without physically trying on the product).

You’ll find smart mirrors very valuable if you run a clothing store or clothing accessories. Potential customers can use these mirrors to try on your products virtually and pick the right fit.

You may also like: The benefits of using Smart TVs for Digital Signage.

Self-checkout kiosks

Self-checkout kiosks are everything their name suggests. They are digital signage in retail stores that allow customers to perform certain transactions themselves without the direct assistance of human attendants.

Digital kiosks for self-service use some form of interactive elements that allow users to customise an order to their personal taste and place the order. 

A self-checkout kiosk is perfect for enhancing efficiency in a retail store with high-volume traffic. 

When visitors are more than your sales attendants can handle, consider deploying self-checkout kiosks. They will provide customers with a streamlined experience and reduce how long they have to wait for service.

Interactive screens

Interactive screens are digital displays that allow users to engage with content through immediate interaction with the screen. These digital displays are some of the best for customer engagement

Unlike one-way screens that only show a message to viewers, these screens also receive input from customers, enhancing engagement and user experience.

Examples of interactive digital signage used in retail include:

  • Touchscreen displays: These displays allow users to interact with content by touching elements on the screen. 

  • QR codes: QR codes can be added to display screens for users to scan using their mobile phones to access more information. 

  • Gesture-based displays: These displays allow users to interact with content on a screen by hand or body movements. In retail stores, you can use them for product showcases, allowing users to use hand movements to swipe and rotate virtual product images. You can also use them to create interactive games.

Digital signage content ideas for retail stores

When implementing a digital signage system, content is king. The success of your digital signage efforts largely depends on the content your digital screens bam to your target audience.

Top digital signage content ideas for retail stores include:

Product showcase

One of the best ways to use digital signage to generate interest in your products is to use them for product showcases. That is, use your digital screens to tell viewers about your products.

Use bold text, vibrant displays, and dynamic displays to highlight your products, clearly showing their features and benefits. The aim is to communicate the value proposition of your offerings. 

Know that “needs” is one of the strongest motivators of purchases. When your digital screens can convince viewers your products will benefit them, they’ll drive sales.

New arrivals

When customers walk into your store, how do they know the latest products you have in stock? Simple, tell them. And the easiest way to do this is to announce these items to everyone walking into your store using digital signage screens.

Know that customers are always interested in new products. So, using digital screens to draw attention to your latest products can help you take advantage of this unique interest to increase sales for these products.

Since you’ll be having new arrivals from time to time, using traditional signage to make the announcement will be costly as you’ll need to print materials every time.  


Another sales-boosting content to show on your digital screens is best sellers. Know that customers are drawn to products that a large number of buyers are going for.

The reasoning is that if everyone else is going for a product, then it must be really good and offer good value for money. 

That perception has always and continues to influence purchasing decisions in favour of best-selling items.

When customers have different options and cannot make a decision, they often go with the popular opinion. So, you can narrow the decision-making process for your customers by using digital signage screens to show your popular and well-received products.

Seasonal campaigns

Retailers everywhere know that one of the best ways to drive sales is to tailor sales campaigns to specific seasons. It’s all about timing! A product can be right or wrong depending on when it is offered. 

And customers would not go for products they do not think are relevant. This is why winter clothes sell best during Winter or towards the end of Fall, not during spring or summer.

Thus, a great digital signage content idea is a seasonal campaign. Use your digital screens to showcase products relevant to specific seasons.

Promote offers

Promotional offers attract customers. That is because everyone likes the idea of saving money, and promotions make people feel like they’re saving.

For example, if you run an “X% discount” or a “buy 2 get 1 free” offer, customers will be more motivated to buy as they’ll feel they can save money.

This makes promotional offers one of the best digital signage content ideas for retail stores. Use your digital screens to showcase your current promotions, discounts, and special offers on featured products.

Showing special offers on outdoor digital signage can be the magnet that draws passersby to your store. Placing them in-store can cause impulse buys.

Pro tip: Capitalise on fear of missing out (FOMO) when using digital signage to show promotions. Create limited-time offers and show timers on your digital screen, counting down to the end of the offer.

Cross-selling and up-selling opportunities

Ask salespeople, and they’ll tell you that one of the best ways to increase sales revenue is to target existing customers. That is, instead of always seeking to acquire new customers, also try to get more value from existing customers.

Cross-selling and upselling are great ways to generate more sales revenue from specific customers. This makes cross-selling and up-selling opportunities excellent digital signage content ideas.

Cross-selling is encouraging customers to buy another product that complements the products they intend to buy. Up-selling is encouraging customers to buy a higher version (and usually a more expensive version) of the product they intend to buy.

Use your retail digital store signage to show complementary products and product upgrades. 

Consider that you have a product that is very popular with your customers. Then, feature it on your digital signage displays with a “Best Together with” product. 

Customers who come for the popular product will instantly see this complementary product and why they should also get it.

Also read: 9 Digital Display Tactics for Effective Product Cross-Selling.

Wayfinding and navigation

Effective wayfinding contributes to a positive in-store customer experience. When customers cannot navigate and find their way through your retail store, they’ll be frustrated. They may end up not making a purchase or be discouraged from repeat visits.

However, effective wayfinding guides customers to specific sections and products, contributing to a positive in-store customer experience. Thus, a great retail signage content idea is wayfinding or navigation elements. 

Use the retail signage displays to show directions to specific sections and products, helping customers find their way through the store and quickly locate items on their shopping lists.

Benefits of digital signage in retail

Digital signage has the following benefits for retail stores:

Drives foot traffic

Digital signage can drive more people into your retail store. The eye-catching displays plus a compelling message can catch the attention of passersby and make them enter your store. 

Retail window displays and digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising displays are common digital signage for driving foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores.

Also read: Increasing Foot Traffic: How Digital Signage Draws More Customers

Enhances purchasing decisions

When a customer is considering whether or not to purchase an item, digital signage can be what pushes them to buy. 

Digital signage displays that show countdown timers of special deals can create fear of missing out in customers and make them take action. 

Screens of great deals near checkouts can cause impulse buys, making customers add to their original purchase.

Improves communication

Digital signage displays are great channels for communicating with both customers and staff.

Examples of store-customer communication that digital signage is excellent for include:

  • Provide customers with detailed product information.

  • Displaying the latest offers.

  • Sharing real-time updates with costumes (like news, weather updates, and more).

  • Directional signage to help customers find their way around your store.

  • Announce your event and encourage customers to attend.

Examples of store-employee communication you can use digital signage for include:

  • Information about company events and policy changes.

  • Reminders for important deadlines.

  • Safety and emergency information.

  • Recognition of employees publicly by celebrating their achievements or birthdays.

Increases customer engagement

Adding interactivity to digital signage can enhance customer engagement many folds.

Interactive displays (like touchscreens, QR codes, etc) encourage customers to engage with your content. And more engagement can increase interest in your offerings.

Helps you keep content fresh

Retailers promote different products and offer different deals from time to time.

With traditional signage, it’s not easy to match promotional content with ever-changing offerings. 

But digital signage changes this. Digital signage is flexible and easily customisable, allowing you to change promotional content in just a few clicks.

By making it possible to update content on the fly, digital signage helps ensure your content is always relevant.

Keeps marketing and promotional costs low

If you’re looking at only initial set-up costs, traditional signage may seem cheap. But the cost quickly builds up every time you run a new campaign. 

New campaigns mean new display materials. And constantly changing physical displays is expensive.

But with digital signage, you’ll not worry about recurrent costs such as printing costs. Thus, digital signage results in lower promotional costs in the long run. And lower costs mean more profit for your retail business.

Reinforces branding

Know that a standard practice when creating digital signage content is to incorporate branding elements, such as colour schemes, logos, etc. This makes digital signage an avenue to make your brand more visible to your target audience.

Increased brand visibility reinforces your branding as it contributes to making your brand more memorable.

Reduces perceived wait time 

Generally, customers like quick service. So, time spent waiting in a queue for service can be frustrating. What is more, customers tend to inflate waiting time. 

That is, waiting a few minutes can feel like having waited forever, increasing the frustration.

Digital signage can reduce perceived waiting time. When you show entertaining or informative content on your screens, customers will be less conscious of the passage of time. This can positively impact customer satisfaction as their wait time will be less frustrating.

How to choose the right digital signage solution for retail

When choosing the digital signage software you’ll use to create and display content on digital screens for your target audience, important considerations include:

Intuitive content management system

The content management system (CMS) is the main component of digital signage software. The CMS is the dashboard where you create and organise digital signage content.

Great digital signage solutions would have an intuitive CMS so even users without technical skills can easily use it to create and manage content.

Good software applications should also have scheduling capabilities so users can schedule content to go live on specific days or times.

Remote monitoring

When you have multiple screens in different locations, remote monitoring is a must-have for digital signage software. It lets you oversee and manage all your digital signage displays from a centralised location.

Remote monitoring saves you the stress of manually updating displays in each location.

Media support

A pro tip for successful digital signage is using a mix of media—text, image, audio, video, animations, live data feed, etc. However, these media types require different file formats.

So, a digital signage solution that supports a range of file formats is important if you want to incorporate diverse content types into your signage display. 

That said, when choosing digital signage software, ensure it can support popular file formats, such as JPG, PNG, and GIF for images, MP3 and WAV for audio, and MP4, AVI, and MOV for videos.


The software’s stability should be one of your top considerations when looking at digital signage solutions. The reason is that stability impacts the reliability and performance of the digital signage system.

The ideal solution should have optimum uptime—operating continuously and reliably without disruptions. That is, your screens should not crash and go blank when you need them to be live and beaming a message to your audience.


As your retail business grows, you’ll need to expand the supporting digital signage network. This is why scalability is an important consideration when choosing a digital signage solution.

Scalability ensures a digital signage system can accommodate an increasing number of digital displays, content sources, and users. 

With a scalable system, you’ll not need to switch to another signage platform as your business grows (because of having outgrown the platform you’re using).

To learn more about these top solutions read: 11 Cutting-Edge Digital Signage Software Solutions for 2024 and Beyond.

Takeaway: Boost retail sales and profits with digital signage

Digital signage retail can increase foot traffic to your brick-and-mortar store and boost sales if you use digital displays to showcase products, promote new arrivals and bestsellers, promote cross-sells and discount bundles, and more.

However, while digital signage has the potential to boost your retail business, success depends on the signage solution you use. 

To ensure success, you need a signage solution that has an intuitive CMS, supports remote monitoring, promises optimum uptime, and is scalable. This is where Luna Screens comes in!

Luna Screens is all that and more. Its easy-to-use interface allows even people with zero technical skills to create visually appealing content to turn any screen into mesmerising digital displays to captivate and engage your customers. It offers reliable service with almost zero downtime. And it’ll grow with your business. 

Ready to take your retail business to the next level? Get Started with Luna Screens today!

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