Why a Digital Menu Board is a Good idea

  Time to read 1 min

So you’re thinking of going digital, but not sure if it’s worth it? What benefits do digital menu boards have over traditional print boards? Here’s a handful of advantages

They’re easy to update

Perhaps you want to increase the cost of your coffees by 10 cents. Or you want to more frequently increase the cost of a few items at a time. Doing this with traditional print is expensive and has a long turnaround time, you have to have new signs made each time you want to increase prices. There’s no option to experiment as you can only justify printing new signs occasionally. However, doing it with a digital menu board is free and instant.

They grab the customers attention

A chalkboard can look good. But it’s nothing like a mouth watering video of your latest burger creation or a hot buttered croissant that pops from a vibrant display. Moving video has much more potential to grab the customers attention and help push that extra sale when you’re customers are hungry.

They save you time

As mentioned you can quickly change prices, but you can also remove dishes instantly if you sell out, and reduce disappointment if your customers order something you’re out of. You can also change the menu on a schedule, there’s no physical work needed to switch between a breakfast, lunch and dinner menu.

Get a little more personal with your customers

Why not show off your head chef cooking a delicious meal. Put it into an evening schedule to entice passers by into your restaurant. Make your business a little more relatable with your customers with the ability to tell stories with your digital signage.

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