Smart Digital Signage for the Hospitality Industry.

Digital signage is a fantastic way to inform, engage, and enhance the experience of walk-in visitors and booked guests in your hospitality business. With Luna Screens’ digital signage solution, you’ll see a significant return on your investment in both your bottom line and guest satisfaction. Experience reliable, easy-to-use hotel digital signage that just works.

Elevated brand image

Stand out from the hundreds of billboards and advertisement banners displayed daily by displaying your business culture, service, core competencies,  values, various product promotions, and everything in between.

Enhanced guest experience

Digital signage helps you create extraordinary guest experiences that drive business growth. Instantly captivate your guests from the moment they step inside. Create a welcoming atmosphere, fostering a more enjoyable stay.

Improved Operational efficiency

Digital signage can help you simplify communication and streamline information flow to guests. You can highlight special offers and menus, highlight amenities, provide wayfinding directions, or showcase important announcements.

Why choose Luna Screens as a digital signage solution for your Hospitality business?.

Luna Screens is designed to meet the special needs of the hospitality industry, providing a reliable and user-friendly platform for hospitality businesses to enhance their guest experience. Here’s why you should choose us:

User-friendly software & app integration

You do not need a dedicated IT team to get started. Our digital signage solutions are built to be intuitive. Easily manage content for one or multiple screens and integrate seamlessly with third-party applications, including, enhancing your digital signage capabilities.

Reliable technology & design

Our platforms are designed to withstand the demands of a hotel setting, ensuring that your screens never go blank. Your guests will always see the latest information, even in case of temporary internet outages.

Cost-effective price plan

We offer the most affordable price structure for starting with digital signage. All plans are feature-rich, with no hidden costs or unexpected charges.


How can digital signage improve guest engagement in hotels and resorts?

What types of content can be displayed on digital signage in the hospitality industry?

How does digital signage integrate with existing hotel management systems?

How do I get started with digital signage for my hospitality business?

Luna IT PTY LTD, Hobart, TAS, Australia
ABN: 12 643 738 890
Hobart, TAS, Australia
ABN: 12 643 738 890
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