Supported Hardware.

To play content on your digital signs you need a media player that can run the Luna Screens - Digital Signage app, in some cases a media player is built in to the TV. See the list of supported players below.

Supported Players.

Don't have any screens yet? Read our getting started guide here.


Run on any Android media player or Android based device. With thousands of devices that run Android, this is a great option. Download our APK and install directly.

Google Play Store

If you have a Google or Android TV just search for 'Luna Screens' on the Play Store.

Amazon Appstore / Fire TV / Fire Stick

If your have a device with Amazon Fire TV you can install the Luna Screens - Digital Signage app via the Amazon Appstore. Alternatively you can plug in any Fire TV Stick dongle. However we do not recommend the Fire TV Stick Lite.

Chrome Browser

Run the player on the Chrome browser. We only officially support Chrome. Use other browsers at your own risk. This is also a good option for testing out the platform, just open this in another tab.

Get Started With Luna Screens.

Manage your screens with ease.

Type in your email address and the system will automatically sign you in.

Luna IT PTY LTD, Hobart, TAS, Australia
ABN: 12 643 738 890
Hobart, TAS, Australia
ABN: 12 643 738 890
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